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About the Hunting Areas
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Luangwa Valley


The Luangwa Valley area around both South and North Luangwa National Parks is one of Africa’s iconic prime wildlife sanctuaries, with concentrations and varieties of game and birdlife that has made it world famous.


The Luangwa Valley lies at the tail end of the Great Rift Valley as the Rift reaches Zambia, it divides; one arm to the east encompasses Lake Malawi and the western arm becomes the Luangwa Valley. Down the center of the valley flows the Luangwa River, fed by dozens of sand rivers that come down during the rainy season.


The countryside is spectacular in its rugged beauty. The vegetation varies from thick woodlands to open plains and old river bottoms. Near the Luangwa River and its many tributaries, a lush riverine forest occurs that is green all year round. Flanking the rivers western banks are the North and South Luangwa National Parks separated by the 30km Munyamadzi corridor. To the east of the Luangwa River and between the two main parks lies another Park called Luambe National Park.

Our rights as the exclusive agent to these certain prime hunting concessions in the Luangwa Valley offer world-class, free-range hunting in areas that many consider to be the best in all of Africa. These areas share boundaries with the South Luangwa and North Luangwa National Parks and are abundant with 4 of the dangerous "Big Five."  The valley holds large numbers of Cape Buffalo, the largest Leopard population per square kilometer in Africa, and plenty of Elephant and Lion, although annual quota numbers on these dangerous game trophies are limited for conservation purposes. Our hunting areas carry some of the largest remaining wild Plains Game populations outside of national parks in all of Africa as well.  As stated earlier, Zambia’s Luangwa River Valley is arguably one of the world’s last few vast African wilderness areas for hunting.  It is truly a special place to visit amongst all of Africa's top wildlife destinations.


Animals found here include Burchell’s Zebra, Chobe Bushbuck, Cape Buffalo, Common Waterbuck, Cookson Wildebeest, Crocodile, Duiker, Elephant, Grysbok, Hippo, Hyena, Impala, Kudu, Leopard, Lichtenstein’s Hartebeast, Lion, Livingstone Eland, Puku, Roan, Steenbok and Warthog. There are two preferred methods of travel to/from Luangwa.  The first is by daily commercial flights from Lusaka to the Mfuwe Airport. This is a one-hour flight, but there is also a 2-to-7-hour drive to camp, depending upon which one. The second is via private charter to a nearby dirt landing strip near each of our camps.

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Kafue National Park Area


This giant area of approximately 3,370 square kilometers is in the central region of Zambia. It is a wonderful part of the country of Zambia with picturesque hills and valleys, Woodlands, long grass, and expansive floodplains along the park borders.  Here the cold, frosty mornings of June, July and August offer incredible spot and stalk game opportunities. Without a doubt, the most notable hunting here is for 1) the monster leopards that inhabit this area, 2) the black maned lions that the park's lion genetics are known for, and 3) the world class Sable hunting. Sable taken here are measuring up to 48.5 inches!  In addition to world class Sable, Lions, and Leopards, the following animals are here in good to excellent numbers: Bushpig, Cape Buffalo, Civet Cat, Common Duiker, Grysbok, Kudu, Leopard, Lion, Lichtenstein’s Hartebeest, Oribi, Common Reedbuck, Roan, Waterbuck and Warthog.


Can we say this again?  It is not uncommon to see black maned lions in this area!


The best way to reach camp from Lusaka is either by driving a 5-hour trip through some of the most beautiful, scenic, game-rich country Africa has to offer, crossing the Kafue River and the Kafue National Park or via private charter.

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Nchila/Nkwaji Game Reserves


These private hunting areas located in the Northwest area of Zambia at the headwaters of the Zambezi River consist of a combination of open grass lands, swamps, and thick forest approximately 110,000 acres in size.  The strong points of this area are the East Angolan Bush Duiker, Blue Duiker, Eland, Tsessebe, Sitatunga, Roan, and Sable. Also found here are Bushpig, Harnessed Bushbuck, Cape Buffalo, Kudu, Zebra, Lichtenstein’s Hartebeest, Blue Wildebeest, Puku, Impala, Defassa Waterbuck, Black Lechwe and Oribi. The camp can be reached by a 2-hour charter flight from Lusaka or our other hunting areas that lands 40 minutes from the camp.  The old school tent camp is remote yet clean and comfortable and offers luxury tents, hot showers, good food and service that includes your laundry washed and ironed daily.  Again, this is one of the few places where you can combine as many different species of plains game with Sitatunga and Sable.  This is a great second or initial stop to collect some different species on your way to/from Luangwa or Kafue.  Fishing and bird hunting are also offered at this location.


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Non-operated Areas That Zambian Government Offers for Additional Species

Bangweulu Swamp – Zambezi Sitatunga and Black Lechwe Safaris


These safaris take place in the Bangweulu Game Management Area; most often referred to as the Bangweulu swamp. It is located in North Central Zambia. The reason for traveling to this area is to hunt the Black Lechwe, Zambezi Sitatunga, Tsessebe, Reedbuck and Oribi. This is the only place in Africa that the Black Lechwe is totally wild and free ranging. They number in the thousands. Often the most difficult task is getting a big Lechwe bull separated from the heard for your shot. Sitatunga numbers are very good here as well. These hunts are normally conducted from a machan (elevated blind) at or near the swamps edge. From you machan you will glass the papyrus reeds from daybreak for the first two hours of the morning and the last two hours of the day trying to locate a trophy class bull feeding or traveling to bed. Also present in the Bangweulu area you will find Tsessebe (many of the top records book heads have been taken in the Bangweulu area), lots of Oribi and good numbers of Reedbuck as well. The camp here is a tent camp with flush toilets and showers. This area is best accessed by charter flight from Lusaka approximately 90 minutes each way, with the approximate cost being $5,000.00 U.S.D.  for the private charter. A safari conducted here normally has the following schedule: Day 1, arrive to camp and hunt that afternoon time permitting, hunt day 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and fly back to Lusaka on day 7. View trophy photos above and camp photos below.

Kafue Flats Lechwe Safaris 


Most of these safaris are conducted as follows:  hunters arrive in Lusaka the afternoon prior to their hunt. Our staff will meet you upon arrival and escort you to the hotel of your choice or the hotel of our office staff’s choice. Early the next morning our professional hunter and his trackers will pick you up and drive you to Lochinvar/The Kafue Flats (the only place on the African continent to hunt Kafue Lechwe.) It’s a hunting experience you will never forget as you normally see hundreds and hundreds of Kafue Lechwe. It’s similar to hunting Antelope in the United States. Like Antelope, it seems Kafue Lechwe have a built-in range finder. Unless you are lucky, you will make multiple stalks until you harvest your trophy Kafue Lechwe. A flat shooting long range rifle makes the task easier. After harvesting your Lechwe you will return to Lusaka that afternoon, overnight and continue your African travels the next day.

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