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Zambian Species

 Zambia is one of the world's finest safari destinations. Nestled in the heart of the Luangwa River Valley,  Epic Safaris has access to a diverse range of over 40 different species to choose from, Your dream hunting safari is sure to become a reality.  Select species are only available at certain hunting camps, so be sure to check out our trophy list to learn more. 


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The formidable Cape (or African) buffalo is the most sought-after member of Africa’s infamous Big Five. Imposing and unpredictable, hunting one of these behemoths is sure to be an exhilarating experience.

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A truly unique trophy to add to your collection, the prehistoric-looking Nile crocodile is best hunted from a blind while he’s out on a riverbank. Prices vary greatly according to size. A trophy croc can reach around 15 feet.

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Hunting the world’s largest land mammal is sure to get the adrenalin pumping. The largest rifle that you feel comfortable shooting is essential here, as a misplaced shot on this grey giant could spell serious trouble.

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Responsible for an extraordinary number of human fatalities on the continent, tread lightly when hunting the imposing hippopotamus. Hippo hunts are typically conducted at night, when they leave the water to feed.

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The leopard is the most elusive dangerous game species to hunt and requires serious patience. Expect a lot of time spent in the blind – likely in the dead of night – but this is an incomparably rewarding hunting experience if successful.

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Pursuing the legendary king of the bushveld makes for an exceedingly electrifying hunt. Our lion hunts are generally conducted in the primordial wilderness of the Kalahari in South Africa, with a significant of walking required.



The baboon, is, like all other baboons, from the Old World monkey family. It is one of the largest of all monkeys. Located primarily in Southern Africa.



The formidable Cape (or African) buffalo is the most sought-after member of Africa’s infamous Big Five. Imposing and unpredictable, hunting one of these behemoths is sure to be an exhilarating experience.



The handsome bushbuck can make for a surprisingly aggressive and elusive quarry. You’ll usually pursue the smallest member of the spiral-horned antelope family in dense riverine forest or where he hides in thickets.

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Blue Duiker

The tiny blue duiker makes for a very unusual trophy. He is the smallest member of the duiker family and one of Africa’s tiniest antelope species. The hunt can be quite challenging, as they often hide in dense undergrowth.

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Common Duiker

The grey or common duiker is a shy, small species of antelope that is usually encountered on his own. The rather solitary antelope is mostly active in the late afternoon and early evening, when he ventures out to browse.



The African civet is primarily nocturnal and spends the day sleeping in dense vegetation, but wakes up at sunset. African Civets live both in the forest and in open country, but they seem to require a covering of tall grasses or thicket to provide safety in the daytime.

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Yellow Duiker

The yellow duiker is a shy forrest-dwelling antelope, mainly found in central and west Africa. These animals easy-to-scare nature causes them to freeze up in torchlight which makes them very easy to hunt at night. 



The Grysbok is a small, shy, solitary antelope found in rocky hill country areas, but they prefer fertile zones on the lower slopes. They can be found in the northern part of South Africa, and are mostly hunted at night.



The Eland is the largest of Southern Africa’s antelope species. This ox-like animal makes for a very impressive addition to any trophy collection, occasionally weighing in at over 2000 pounds.



The impala is the Southern African hunter’s bread-and-butter, and a great introduction to hunting in the African bushveld. They occur in abundance across the country and make for great game meat as well.



The unique-looking hartebeest is known as the ‘Harley Davidson’ amongst hunters, due to the strange shape of its horns and elongated face. This is a startlingly swift – but perhaps fatally inquisitive – antelope.



These hunts have become very popular latterly because of the mystery surrounding these predators. Normally hunted by baiting. Special permits required.


Honey Badger

The honey badger, also known as the ratel, is a mammal widely distributed in Africa. Despite its name, the honey badger does not closely resemble other badger species; instead, it bears more anatomical similarities to weasels.



​​Jackals are medium-sized carnivores known for their distinctive appearance, featuring a golden to tawny coat, black-tipped tail, and a pointed muzzle. An interesting fact about jackals is their remarkable adaptability to various habitats, allowing them to thrive in diverse environments ranging from deserts to grasslands.



The klipspringer is an attractive little antelope aptly named for its rather riveting ability to ‘spring’ from rock to rock. You’ll typically pursue the klipspringer in areas with rocky or mountainous terrain.



The greater kudu is a large species of antelope that is sought-after by local and international hunters alike. Its spectacular spiral horns and handsome ‘body paint’ make it an incomparably striking trophy.


Black Lechwe

Black lechwes are characterized by their striking appearance, with males adorned in glossy black fur and twisted, lyre-shaped horns, while females exhibit a lighter chestnut-brown coloration. Their unique coloration and elegant horns make them a visually captivating species within the antelope family.


Kafue Lechwe

Kafue lechwes are notable for their distinctive appearance, showcasing a rich chestnut-brown coat and impressive, spiraled horns that can reach impressive lengths. These antelope are specially adapted to their swampy habitats, with elongated hooves that help them move gracefully through waterlogged areas, setting them apart within the antelope species.

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Red Lechwe

The red lechwe is one of the more unique antelope species available for hunting. These prized animals are usually found near the floodplains of southern Zambia.


Monkey Vervet

​​The vervet monkey is recognized for its striking appearance, featuring a predominantly grey to olive-green fur coat, a white underside, and a black face with distinctive white-fringed cheeks. Vervet monkeys have a remarkable ability to communicate with a wide range of vocalizations, using different calls to convey information about predators​



The little oribi is slightly larger than the steenbok, but far less common. It’s typically only on the lists of the most serious African trophy hunters, looking to augment their collection with something special.



Pukus are easily distinguished by their unique appearance, with a coppery-brown coat that contrasts with their bright white bellies and eye rings. These antelope also possess prominent, V-shaped horns that curve gracefully, adding to their distinctive charm within the African grasslands.



The reedbuck is usually hunted in areas with floodplains. This stately plains game species is very fond of water and often encountered near waterholes.



Second in size only to the eland, the roan antelope is a rare and much-desired trophy animal. You’ll find him in open, grassy areas ideal for grazing.



The sable antelope is striking because of its stark black and white coloring and stunning backward-curving horns. He makes for an aggressive quarry, but a trophy that may just become your favorite in your collection.



The formidable Cape (or African) buffalo is the most sought-after member of Africa’s infamous Big Five. Imposing and unpredictable, hunting one of these behemoths is sure to be an exhilarating experience.



The formidable Cape (or African) buffalo is the most sought-after member of Africa’s infamous Big Five. Imposing and unpredictable, hunting one of these behemoths is sure to be an exhilarating experience.



The tsessbe is one of the continent’s fastest antelopes, and decidedly strange-looking. Despite his speed, he is also inquisitive – his moment of hesitation before taking flight is the perfect moment to take your shot.



Warthogs are very popular amongst hunters. Its razor-sharp upper tusks are considered for trophy assessment, and its these weapons that make him formidable in the field.


Common Waterbuck

The waterbuck, with his luxurious shaggy coat, white-circled rump and forward-facing horns, makes for a truly beautiful trophy. You’ll never hunt this large antelope species far from a water source or floodplain.

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Defassa Waterbuck

The formidable Cape (or African) buffalo is the most sought-after member of Africa’s infamous Big Five. Imposing and unpredictable, hunting one of these behemoths is sure to be an exhilarating experience.

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Blue Wildebeest

The bizarre-looking blue wildebeest makes for a fantastic addition to any trophy collection. The ‘poor man’s buffalo’ is also inherently associated with the African continent and offers a rewarding hunting experience.


Cookson's Wildebeest

The formidable Cape (or African) buffalo is the most sought-after member of Africa’s infamous Big Five. Imposing and unpredictable, hunting one of these behemoths is sure to be an exhilarating experience.



Caracals make for a unique and exciting nocturnal pursuit. This shy, lynx-like cat has a beautiful pelt and makes for a handsome full mount trophy or skin.



The zebra is another popular plains game pursuit. You’ll find him in the grasslands or wooded savanna. Males and females are often difficult to distinguish – rely on your PH to be sure.

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