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Nchila & Nkwaji Game Reserve

Quick Facts


110,00 Acres


Charter Flight From Lusaka


6-8 Guest


Miombo Woodlands & Open Plains

"Zambia's premier private wildlife reserve."

Located in the Northwest area of Zambia at the headwaters of the Zambezi River near the Angolan and DNC borders, these two private reserves are home to some of Africa's most beautiful plains game. By design, the local villagers are much involved at all levels of the operation and one can find footpaths and villages all throughout. The different animals in the two reserves are all indigenous to the area and most were re-introduced two decades ago after the animals had disappeared from poaching. The reserves contain wooded forest, plains, swamps and riverine areas, all hosting different flora and fauna. This is a great second or initial stop to collect some high quality trophies that might be difficult to obtain elsewhere on one's way to/from Luangwa or Kafue. The reserve is well known for its Sable genetics, Sitatunga and Lechwe species hunting, and being one of the few places in Africa where one can hunt all of the duiker species. The camp can be reached by a 2-hour charter flight that lands 40 minutes from the camp. This remote luxury camp is clean and comfortable and offers a warm feel with its cozy beds, hot showers, good food and daily laundry service.


  • 3 Tents With En-Suite Bathrooms

  • Small Pool and Jacuzzi

  • Outdoor Dining Area

  • Open Fire Pit Area

  • ​Bar Facilities

  • Staffed Kitchen

  • Common Lounge Area

  • Electricity, Wi-Fi & Internet

Trophies Available

  • Buffalo

  • Harnessed Bushbuck

  • East Angolan Bush Duiker

  • Duiker (Blue)

  • Eland 

  • Hartebeest â€‹â€‹

  • Kudu 

  • Lechwe (Black)

  • Kafue Lechwe

  • Oribi 

  • Puku

  • Reedbuck 

  • Roan 

  • Sable 

  • ​Sitatunga

  • Tsessebe

  • Warthog

  • Waterbuck (Defassa)

  • Wildebeest (Blue)

  • Zebra

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